Be Part Of The Great Hawaii Content Round Up!

We’re searching for content to be put up on All Hawaii TV! If you have videos, music, or anything related in some fashion to Hawaii, consider letting us put it up on our channel. Your content deserves to have an audience, and All Hawaii TV is a great way for you, your friends and family, and indeed, all of Hawaii, to watch it on TV in the comfort of your living room!

Unless your reasons for providing your content is to store and watch your private collection of memories (see “Display Options”), it doesn’t cost anything to place your content on All Hawaii TV.* You merely sign an agreement certifying that you have the authority to provide the content. This agreement is non-exclusive; meaning you can still use your content as you please. Furthermore, if you subsequently want your content taken down, you can do so at any time and for any reason. In short, there is no catch and no obligation. We do, however, reserve the right to refuse content at our discretion. *NOTE: A customized site for your content may incur a subscription fee.

Any and all kinds. From educational videos, to documentaries, short films, sports events, art, music, travelogues, nature, businesses… well, you get the idea. If it is about Hawaii in some form or some connection, we will put it up.

All Hawaii TV (AHTV) is a Video On Demand (VOD) channel, meaning it allows viewers to watch content whenever they choose, rather than at a scheduled broadcast time. There are essentially three types of VOD. Advertising Video On Demand or AVOD is free to the public but has commercial advertisements that play prior to, during, and sometimes after, the content. AHTV receives a share of any revenue earned from Roku for the airing of the advertisements. Accessing Roku (and in specific the Roku Channel), for example, is an AVOD system. The viewer does not have to pay anything (except to buy a Roku streaming player or Roku TV to access the channel). Subscription Video On Demand or SVOD is where the viewer pays a subscription fee for a period of time in order to watch the content. Amazon Prime is an example of this. AHTV keeps a portion of the subscription fee to cover channel costs, and passes on the great majority to the content provider. Transactional Video On Demand or TVOD is when the viewer pays to see the content. Purchasing or renting a song on iTunes is an example of TVOD. AHTV keeps a portion of all content sales to cover channel costs, and passes on the great majority to the content provider. AHTV provides all three forms of VOD, although content is not limited to video only. Audio recordings, photos, and informational text can also be uploaded onto the channel. AHTV works with each content provider to set up their content in the manner they prefer, which may include combining VOD types (e.g. AVOD with SVOD, and AVOD with TVOD). Which VOD is utilized depends on what the content purposes are, for which there are four types: 1. ADVERTISING; 2. ENTERTAINMENT; 3. SHARING; and 4. PRESERVATION.
For businesses and organizations who provide content to publicize its services (e.g. commercials, marketing videos). There is no charge to providers to put up their content. However, AHTV creates an AVOD arrangement where commercials are run (generally set just prior to the content airing) and keeps all ad revenue derived.
For artists (filmmakers, singers, etc.) who provide content featuring their creative work (e.g. movie). There is no charge to providers and they can elect to use AVOD, SVOD, or TVOD arrangements. AVOD revenue is split 55% AHTV and 45% providers. SVOD and TVOD revenue is split 25% AHTV and 75% providers.
For those who own content related to a Hawaii activity of interest (e.g. a traditional Hawaiian event). There is no charge to providers and they can elect to use AVOD, SVOD, or TVOD arrangements. AVOD revenue is split 55% AHTV and 45% providers. SVOD and TVOD revenue is split 25% AHTV and 75% providers.
For those who want to store and watch their personal content (e.g. home videos, photos, etc.) on television. Providers pay a $40 set up charge under an AVOD arrangement (AHTV retains ad revenue) for 40* content which can be public or private, with a $20 a year maintenance fee. *Beyond incurs slight fee increases.
An overview of all display options, costs, and possible revenue sharing appears in the following table:

Here’s our effort at full transparency. It takes a LOT of views to air a lot of ads through AVOD, or to produce sales through TVOD, or to obtain subscriptions through SVOD, and thereby to produce significant revenue regardless of which VOD structure the content provider elects to use. So in regards to any prospective revenue sharing, content providers should be patient as the channel continues to grow, and more and more content then attracts more viewers. In essence, it takes hundreds of thousands of views that generally will come with thousands of content in order to get a steady stream of sales revenue. BUT THAT’S OUR INTENTION. All Hawaii TV intends to continually grow until we obtain every content imaginable that has anything to do with Hawaii. Meanwhile we will continue to keep a record of how every content did in terms of views. Whenever All Hawaii TV receives revenue payments from Roku, the amount designated to content providers, whether from AVOD, SVOD, or TVOD, will be paid when a minimum amount ($20) has been earned. This is to avoid All Hawaii TV from writing checks for pennies to numerous providers every time we get a check. 🙂 Sounds good? NOTE: If the minimum $20 requirement is not met, the content provider’s earned amount will then be carried forward and accounted for when the next Roku payment is received. For detailed information please see the: